The Scalability Coefficient
Politics, gut reactions, leaps of faith, and assumptions will never drive a successful business. With barriers to start a company being lowered every day, the rapid influx of new startups throughout every industry, and the constant chaos from within existing organizations, logic and sound decision making are commonly replaced with swift moving actions with only the short-term in mind. Decision makers are constantly moving to make businesses simpler, more fluid, more agile, and better. In this disaster of chaos one simple concept is easily left behind: thought. More specifically, what gets left behind is forethought. In The Scalability Coefficient, software expert and entrepreneur Trevor Hall outlines a new method of analyzing your business so you can accommodate the steady pace of modern business, while pushing your organization to success with complete, thoughtful decisions based off facts. Through the design of this engineering-centric method of business analysis, Trevor will describe the method of dissecting and organizing your business into its most atomic pieces and how to logically rebuild your thoughts as a holistic unit. By creating an organization's "Scalability Coefficient," you will have a new tool based directly off the facts that shape your company. And with that tool, you can make swift decisions to gain the highest level of efficiency both for the short-term while always considering the long-term visions and goals. Following an example of a fictitious business through the analysis, The Scalability Coefficient will describe the concepts through practical application which you can then apply to any company, team, or project. It demonstrates the complexities of a seemingly simple company by disassembling it into logical pieces, them piecing it back together with logic and thought, forming its custom "Scalability Coefficient" along the way. The end takeaway being the Coefficient, which acts as a fact-driven formula for driving critical business decisions.