Justan was raised on the outskirts of the Dremaldrian Battle Academy. He
watched his father ascend the ranks within the academy to become one of
the most respected warriors in the kingdom. The only thing he has ever
wanted is to become an academy student and follow the path of his
father. Unfortunately, only the best can enter the academy and Justan is
a horrible fighter. Everyone tells him that he is more suited to
scholarly work than swordplay. In desperation he hurls himself into
training, eager to overcome the doubters and walk into the academy
triumphant, unaware that secretive powers plot to disrupt his plans.
an evil wizard of immense power is using magic to twist the bodies of
the creatures of the land and transform them into monsters. With these
creatures and the peoples of the wilds, he is building an army . . .
Ogres and dragons, warriors and wizards are destined to clash, their fates guided by The Bowl of Souls.
Eye of the Moonrat is book one of The Bowl of Souls series.
Book One: Eye of the Moonrat
Book 1.5: Hilt's Pride: A Bowl of Souls Novella
Book Two: Messenger of the Dark Prophet
Book Three: Hunt of the Bandham
Book Four: The War of Stardeon
Book Five: Mother of the Moonrat