Emerging Trends in Social Sciences
Smart Climate change represents one of the most pressing challenges of the 21st century, affecting various aspects of human societies, economies, and ecosystems. Effective mitigation and adaptation of climate change necessitate interdisciplinary methods, given its complexity and diversity. This chapter examines the relationship between social science and effective climate change measures, looking at how insights from fields like political science, economics, sociology, and psychology may guide and improve efforts to combat climate change. The chapter clarifies the different ways in which social science perspectives can help shape intelligent climate change policies that are both technologically innovative and socially equitable through a thorough review of theoretical frameworks, empirical research, and case studies. The first section of the chapter gives a thorough summary of the current status of climate change and how it is affecting communities around the globe. In addition, the chapter explores the sociological aspects of climate change, looking at how power relations, social structures, and inequality affect people's susceptibility and ability to withstand the effects of the environment. It also looks at how smart technologies could improve efforts to adapt to climate change and become more resilient, especially for vulnerable areas. It talks about how data analytics, remote sensing, and digital innovation can be used to monitor climate threats, forecast extreme weather, and guide adaptive solutions. It highlights how important it is for communities, researchers, practitioners, and politicians to collaborate in order to co-design and carry out creative solutions that address the social as well as the technological aspects of climate change. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need for evidence-based policymaking and the integration of social science perspectives into climate change policy formulation and implementation