IICIS 2023
The Proceedings of the 4th International Indonesia Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (IICIS) 2023 contains several papers presented at the seminar with the theme "Defining the Interest of Indonesian Society and State to Achieve Welfare and Justice." The 4th IICIS 2023 was held in a hybrid format, with both in-person and remote participation on November 2, 2023. The conference was organized by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia. The 4th IICIS 2023 featured speakers from various countries, including Masanori Kaneko, Ph.D. (Associate Professor from the Faculty of Foreign Studies, Setsunan University), Mohammad Reevany, Ph.D. (Associate Professor from University Sains Malaysia), Prof. Abu Bakarr Bah, Ph.D. (Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University), Dr. Yusharto Huntoyungo, M.Pd. (Head of the Domestic Policy Strategy Agency), Laksdya TNI Prof. Dr. Ir. Amarulla Octavian, S.T., M.Sc., DESD. (Expert Council of APPSI & Vice Chairman of BRIN), Intan Fitri Meutia, S.A.N., M.A., Ph.D (Public Administration, Universitas Lampung). They are professors and researchers who have contributed to the advancement of science in their respective fields. The proceedings contain 20 papers that have passed through the review process and were accepted by the committee. All papers align with several sub-themes of the conference, including The Interest Struggle of Marginalized Groups, Identify Interest and Violence in Politics (Global and Local), Gender and The Interest of Development, Global Governance and Sustainable Development, Contemporary Media and Digital Communication, Business and Entrepreneurship, Social Movement and Government Resistance in Any Social Issues. The IICIS committee has made strong efforts to review the papers submitted to the conference to ensure that participants benefit greatly. A heartfelt thank you to all participants of the 4th IICIS 2023 for their understanding and contributions. Thanks also to EAI Publishing for publishing it in this volume.