Dictionary of Canadian Place Names
Place names reflect a very significant part of a nation's cultural and linguistic heritage. They are ever-present on road signs and maps, in correspondence and periodicals, and in all kinds of official and unofficial records and documents. Over 6200 names from Canada's rich toponymic tapestry are included in this unique dictionary - not only cities, towns and villages, but lakes, rivers, national parks, well-known mountains and many capes, as well as the actual origin of the place name. Words taken from Cree, Inuit, French, Gaelic, Spanish, Portuguese Mi'kmaq, Basque, German and other languages, as well as the many names echoing the towns and regions that fond immigrants had left behind, reflect Canada's diverse multicultural heritage. Many places were named after people who played a role in local history, or more celebrated heroes of foreign affairs. In these cases, brief biographical details identify such eponymous individuals as the poet Robert Service, or Mary March, the English name given to Demasduit, Beothuk wife of Chief Nonosbawsut, whose capture by local settlers led to her death in 1820 - one of the last of her now extinct race. A surprising number of places were named after battles and military leaders, many after peculiar features of the landscape, and others for animals, ships, fruit, and native religious beliefs. Anyone who has felt curious about the choice of names like South Porcupine, Dildo, Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo Jump, Magnetic Hill, or Saint-Lous-du-Ha! Ha!, will find much of interest in this book.