History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity
History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity, Second Edition, seamlessly blends the historical and philosophical dimensions of the study of human movement. Each chapter provides a historical scaffolding that leads into philosophical discussions about the issues raised. Updates to this second edition include expanded coverage of diversity, equity, and inclusion topics; a deeper exploration of epistemology; a discussion of alternate forms of physical activity; and new material about the ethics of research. Contemporary topics of discussion such as the Exercise Is Medicine (EIM) movement, athlete biodata collection, and transgender and nonbinary athletes in sport are thoroughly explored. Discussion questions, study questions, and historical profile sidebars challenge readers to reflect on important content and share their ideas. Throughout the text, students are prompted to access online learning activities in HKPropel. These short exercises relate philosophical inquiry to historical events and modern-day issues and serve as important tools for improving one's reasoning skills. History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity, Second Edition, presents a thorough integration of philosophy and history, capitalizing on the strengths of both disciplines. Ancillaries for adopting instructors are available online.