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Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups
Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups
The book is an in-depth study of Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups. It covers the problems and perspectives of Self Help Groups and suggest several measures. The study has evaluated the implementation of several schemes in Anantapur District in particular and in Andhra Pradesh in general such as rearing goats, dairying, petty business activities, making of soft toys and so on. The findings are very much encouraging, such as Women are now managing their families, Panchayat Raj Institutions, are able to concentrate on their children s education and health. Contents include: Introduction, Public Policy Theoretical Perspectives, Evaluation, Aims and Objectctives of Self Help Groups in Anantapur District, Socio-Economic Background of the Sample Study, Problems and perspectives of Self Help Groups, Performance of Self Help Groups and Conclusion. This outstanding Text-cum-Reference book will be of great use to Scholars, Administrators, Planners, Policy-makers, Statesmen and Students of Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Commerce and Women Studites.
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Iranians in London
Iranians in London
This book explores the psychosocial significance of loss and exclusion in the lives of many Iranian immigrants living in London since the Iranian revolution of 1979. It addresses the experiences of middle-class Iranians who left Iran in both ‘voluntary’ contexts (immigration) and in ‘enforced’ contexts (exile). The author elucidates the experiences of ‘ordinary’ middle-class Iranians who chose to leave Iran given the socio-politico-cultural context of the changes wrought by the Islamic Republic in Iranian society. Mahnaz Sekechi argues that losses of country, liberty and security in Iran combined with varying degrees of social exclusion and downward mobility in London have led to an encapsulated sadness for many, despite their capacity for creative living. The book also demonstrates the value of psychosocial analysis in understanding dislocations in general and their effects on wellbeing.
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Contemporary Masculinities
Contemporary Masculinities
This book assesses the construction of masculinities in relation to appearance, embodiment and emotions by drawing on perspectives in psychology, sociology, gender studies and public health. Brendan Gough questions conventional assumptions about masculinity and men’s health and responds to recent trends in critical studies of masculinities which discuss ‘positive’ or ‘healthy’ masculine identities. The book showcases discursively inflected qualitative research using data sources where men’s own accounts are prioritised: in-depth interviews and online discussion forums. Chapters discuss men’s appearance concerns and activities and examine male mental health, focusing on vulnerability and its management. Current trends and key concepts, including intersectionality, inequalities and embodiment are also considered throughout. This book will appeal to students and academics within social sciences and humanities interested in gender issues in general and masculinity in particular.
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The Self in Understanding and Treating Psychological Disorders
The Self in Understanding and Treating Psychological Disorders
A unique exploration of how the 'self' influences psychopathology, psychotherapy, emphasizing the need to integrate self-constructs into evidence-based conceptual models.
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Ego Psychology and Social Work Practice
Ego Psychology and Social Work Practice
While ego psychological theory still holds a pre-eminent position in clinical social work practice, the field has changed in many ways. This revised edition addresses these major changes, bringing the reader up to date.
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Search For The Real Self
Search For The Real Self
Outwardly charming, confident, and successful individuals may in fact be caught in a knot of self-destructive behavior. This book looks at case histories and delineates appropriate treatments for each disorder--offering a real hope for cure.
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Life-span Human Development
Life-span Human Development
By combining the best of topical and chronological approaches, this text presents life-span development as a motion picture rather than as a series of individual snapshots.
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The Self
The Self
This volume is currently the only textbook devoted to the study of the self. Republished in its original form by Psychology Press in 2007, it carefully documents the changing conceptions and the value accorded the self in psychology over time.
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Humanising Higher Education
Humanising Higher Education
This book explores humanising practice within higher education (HE). It provides a fresh perspective by bringing together expert voices with empirical experience of humanising theory and practice in various areas of higher education, in order to influence and improve the way in which universities work. The book draws on Todres et. al’s humanisation framework, as well other relevant theories such as positive organisational scholarship, Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory and socio-emotional intelligence. Topics include micro elements of humanisation such as transitions and the student experience, and macro elements such as the policy impact of humanising HE and sustainability. The authors demonstrate how a humanising approach can provide the catalyst for wider change and help to improve wellbeing in the community. This book offers an invaluable resource for scholars interested in teaching and learning in HE, and for HE practitioners and policy makers keen to develop a more human practice.
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Mindfulness and Yoga for Self-Regulation
Mindfulness and Yoga for Self-Regulation
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