Science and Religion
From the heliocentric controversy and evolution, to debates onbiotechnology and the environment, this book offers a balancedintroduction to the key issues in science and religion. A balanced, introductory textbook which fully spans theinterface between science and religion, and includes illustrationsof scientific concepts throughout Explores key historical issues, including the heliocentriccontroversy, and evolution, but also topics of current importance,such as biotechnology and environmental issues Appendices include a wide range of biblical readings; excerptsfrom early philosophers, theologians and scientists, includingAristotle, Aquinas, Hume, Kant, Galileo, Newton, and Darwin; andshort works from twentieth and twenty-first century scientists andtheologians Accessibly structured in to sections covering cosmology,evolution, and ethics in a scientific age Provides significant coverage of scientific information andbalanced explanations of the key debates for introductorystudents