The Mormon Faith
This is the definitive book on the theology and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Written primarily for non-members, The Mormon Faith is an open, honest, close up overview of one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. Founded in 1830, with six official members, sociologists of religion project that membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints could reach somewhere between 60 and 265 million by the year 2080. Such continuing growth cannot be entirely explained by pointing to "the good life" practiced by members -- it is, in fact, often their theology that strikes a responsive chord in the minds and hearts of interested people. Millions have heard about their health code, about polygamy, about Brigham Young and the exodus across the plains, about their generally conservative political posture, about their welfare program, and even about their athletes and entertainers -- but few know about the LDS concept of God; their teachings about Jesus Christ and the premortal nature of men and women, a Mormon view of grace and works, the purpose of LDS temples, and their view of life after death. Whether a reader chooses to pursue a study of the Mormon faith out of sheer curiosity or more academically from a sociological, historical, anthropological, or theological point of view, there is a great deal to investigate -- and this book will be a valuable resource.