Relevant Revelation
Relevant Revelation explores themes such as covenant, brothers in conflict, the younger brother being favored by God, changed hearts, barren women who are healed (and the one who is not), and the humble raised high. Relevant Revelation shows how the Bible follows the history of Israel by mirroring the developmental stages of a human, beginning with conception, then birth, infancy, childhood, adulthood, death, and finally, the afterlife. Understanding the development of these themes will change the way you read and study the Bible. Any one of these themes point to purposeful, cohesive authorship throughout the Bible. Relevant Revelation seeks to show that God is the one Author of the Bible with seven themes as support. The fact that all these themes culminate in Christ demonstrates that the New Testament finishes what the Old Testament starts. Christ is the Messiah sent by God and expected by his people. When we see connections between books written by over forty people over three thousand years, the reader is challenged to see the Bible and its stories as one continuous story. When we understand God's word as a cohesive unit, the people and events of Israel's history can be placed and logically understood in the context of God's great purpose and plan of redeeming the world through a Savior. Videos and discussion questions are available for each chapter of Relevant Revelation on the website: "Dana Bennett has written an innovative book on how to read and teach the Bible. It is a readable book that the common person can understand, yet it is informed by scholarship of the highest order. . . . Another strength is that the author shows a literary awareness that the Bible is a book of human experience, rooted in everyday reality. This book is a wonderful corrective to certain tendencies in conventional approaches to the Bible. It opens the door to seeing new dimensions of the Bible and passing these on to students and groups." --Leland Ryken, professor of English emeritus, Wheaton College; author of How to Read the Bible as Literature and Words of Delight "Relevant Revelation is an amazing and well-organized study of Israel's development from a family group to a nation, presented as the stages of human life. It is written in a thought-provoking way that takes the reader through the major Old Testament themes. The book culminates with the prophecy fulfillment of the Messiah's arrival on earth and the final covenant in Christ's sacrificial mission." --Valera Gregory, MCE