This Expanded 2023 Edition of the book entitled HUMANISTIC PERSONOLOGY: A HUMANISTIC-ONTOLOGICAL THEORY OF THE PERSON & PERSONALITY. Applications in Therapy, Social Work, Education, Management, and Art (Theater), completes the range of domains brought to attention and represented from the perspective of humanistic-ontological orientation with new domains, namely medicine, politics, technology & science, ecology, and economy – work/project which, as stated in previous editions,presents an ontological-humanistic theory/ model for the formation, development, functioning, education, and therapy/ counseling of the human personality & person, offering a philosophical (ontological) alternative to the prevailing contemporary psychological, biological, and cybernetic models in both literature and practice. To this end, the process of personality/ person formation is described as a successive and simultaneous creation and establishment of internal autonomous "BEINGS"/ onto-formations. These internal beings/ onto-formations, such as the organism, the self, the soul, the ego, the mind, the consciousness, play a dynamic-ontological and functional specific role in the composition and the functioning of the personality/ person. The personal profile, the personality traits, the behavior, the human being as a whole, are depicted as the outcomes of inner dynamic relationships and ontological confrontations among these internal beings, which are energetically and antagonistically charged. Through this daring project and through these innovative elements, the theory/ model presented in an improved form also in this edition can represent a significant contribution, not only to elucidating and explaining the complex processes of personality/ person formation, development, functioning, and therapy, but also to represent these processes – including by invoking the Aristotelian and Platonic concepts of transubstantiation and body-soul (matter-spirit) dualism – in relation to profound philosophical (ontological and metaphysical) categories such as human being, human essence, human nature, and human condition, bringing the discourse, currently located mainly in the sphere of psychology, in the sphere of philosophy, ontology and ethics as well, the formation and development process not leading – from the perspective of the model adopted in the project – only to the formation of personality and adaptive behavior, but also to the formation, in a holistic view, of the person as a whole, of the person as a HUMAN BEING. Some of the most significant fragments/ ideas: ”The essence of the humanistic-ontological conception regarding the person/ the human personality is given by the idea that these are ontological products of some gradual and stadial processes held with the crucial contribution of the concrete/ contextual/ contingent socio-human, cultural and institutional factors where the person grows and lives. Very important are therefore the personal-human factors...” ”In our ontological-humanistic model of formation, beingness and functioning of the person/ personality - of the human being - we will speak, therefore, about characteristics, properties, processes, principles such as onto-formatization, persomization and promergence, emergence and imergence, transmergence and telegence, conmergence and sinmergence, about stages of evolution, formation, development, establishment of the personal ontological-psychological formations, of the person as a whole, such as of contact, of acquisition/ accumulation, of structuration/ centralization, of constitution/ holistization, of establishing/ networking, and finally of ontification/ fulfillment, and about ontological-subjective humane and spiritual experiences/ feelings that represent ”substances", motivational-energetical sources and resorts of forming of the personality/ person’s onto-formations and spheres...”