Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses
Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses 2e is the new edition of the first comprehensive resource on internal medicine written for the veterinary technician. This textbook fills a large information gap by providing a small animal internal medicine resource and reference for the veterinary technician and veterinary technician specialist. Organized by body system, each chapter discusses pertinent diseases, from clinical signs, diagnostic testing, pharmacology, prevalence to treatment options and nursing considerations, and clinical procedures. This book offers both a thorough grounding in the foundations of internal medicine for early career veterinary students, veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, veterinary technician practitioners, those studying for specialty certification, and detailed, advanced information suitable for experienced veterinary technicians and nurses. Volume highlights include: - Aim of the text is to fill a large information gap by providing a small animal internal medicine resource and reference for the veterinary technician and veterinary technician specialist - Logically organized by diseases relating to body system, with both basic and advanced information in each chapter - Presents new topics coverage in this new edition as veterinary internal medicine and disease research is continually evolving and advancing - Bolsters content with addition of a chapter on the pancreas and associated disease processes and overview chapters, similar to neurology, for cardiology and oncology - Scope of this book is to provide material above and beyond what the technician learns in school and to provide material above and beyond what the technician is exposed to in practice - A handy textbook during the working day, both for in-depth study of unfamiliar diagnoses or as a general reference for more common disorders of a body system - Serves as a primary resource and reference study guide for all things related to small animal internal medicine for the veterinary technician or technician specialist - This textbook will continue to be the recommended book and resource for the Academy of Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians (AIMVT) - This text is pitched primarily at the veterinary technician practitioner level, including some programs of veterinary technology where the text is a useful student resource, e.g. San Juan''s Veterinary technology program, Kara Burn''s Nutrition management courses - Only valuable text with this objective and scope on the market for veterinary nurses and technicians The veterinary market continues to go digital and additional online resources like more images illustrating clinical signs and procedures is included in the second edition, along with images, videos, checklist for procedures - lab, imaging, biopsy, etc., pull lists for procedures, critical thinking lists, client education, video clips, and additional images. New for the second edition is expanded glossary for each section. Small Animal Internal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses is essential reading for veterinary technician students, practicing technicians, nurses, and those studying for the AIMVT specialty exam. This text is a group effort provided by VTS in small animal internal medicine, cardiology, neurology, anesthesia and emergency and critical care veterinary technician specialists who are subject matter experts in their fields. The VTS is teamed with veterinarians and diplomates of ACVIM.