The Concise Dictionary of Medical-Legal Terms
The medical-legal arena covers the dynamic interactions between law and medicine, in particular the regulation and utilization of medicine by law. There remain many terms and concepts that are still undefined, hazily defined, confusingly defined, or defined with a significant double meaning. Then there are those commonly used but unnamed methods that are clumsy to explain. The Concise Dictionary of Medical-Legal Terms: A General Guide to Interpretation and Usage provides an easy-to-use reference to the common words and phrases used in medicine and law. Like oil and water, the methods of thinking in law and medicine do not always mix well. This dictionary defines legal terms in their medical context as well as medical terms in their legal context. If you are a physician required to appear in court or to write medical reports, this dictionary guides you through the labyrinth of legal terms as they pertain to medicine. If you are a lawyer and you need to understand medical conditions and injuries, the dictionary provides the clear, concise definitions that add clarity to the settlement of problems that arise in courts. An invaluable resource, The Concise Dictionary of Medical-Legal Terms: A General Guide to Interpretation and Usage brings together the philosophies, principles, causes and effects, approaches, and other fundamentals that seem to be relatively stable in medical-legal spheres. Written by a doctor with 25 years experience in medical-legal spheres and a life-long dedication to terminology, this dictionary is essential for the office, surgery, and library.