Getting in Shape
You want to be fit, but you've had it: you've been on 17 different diets, and spent enough to feed a small town on packaged meals that look like food but taste like floor sweepings. So, what should you do? How about trying a straightforward, easy-to-understand, up-to-the-minute primer on fitness, exercise, and eating well? It's all here, whether you yearn to bike around the block or run a marathon. What's in it for you? A nutrition and fitness program geared specifically to your likes and dislikes, your body, lifestyle, budget, and goals. Take a fitness quiz, learn how working out with a buddy can help, find out about gyms, and see how to design a personal program that's fun and gets you pumped up the right way. Plus, there's advice on simple, delicious, and healthy meals. How can you not lose?