Work Play
This book is designed to provide Human Resource Development program designers, workshop presenters, facilitators, and consultants with creative, structured learning experiences and detailed guidance on how to use them for effective training, conferences, and workshops. It is a practical handbook containing 36 varied and versatile activities that cover a comprehensive range of learning themes. Although these activities are particularly well suited to team building, group problem solving, and leadership training, they can be used for communication, decision making, creativity, resource management, and a multitude of other learning purposes. Their flexibility, in terms of fit with a broad spectrum of training agendas, makes them particularly useful. Each activity can serve a range of training needs and agendas. Each activity has applicability to a variety of learning themes, some of which can be explored in depth using the activity alone or in conjunction with suggested companion exercises. They can be implemented either at different times for different purposes or used singularly to accomplish a 'variety of related learning objectives.