The Drama of American History Series
Collaboration of all twenty-three Dramas of American History as told by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. The twenty-three dramas include: Clash of Cultures: Prehistory–1638, The Paradox of Jamestown: 1585–1700, Pilgrims and Puritans: 1620–1700, The French and Indian War: 1660–1763, The American Revolution: 1763–1783, Creating the Constitution: 1787, Building a New Nation: 1789–1801, The Jeffersonian Republicans: 1800–1820, Andrew Jackson's America: 1824–1850, Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War: 1835–1850, Slavery and the Coming of the Civil War: 1831–1861, The Civil War: 1860–1865, Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim Crow: 1864–1896, The Rise of Industry: 1860–1900, A Century of Immigration: 1820–1924, The Rise of the Cities: 1820–1920, Indians, Cowboys, and Farmers: 1865–1910, The United States Enters the World Stage: 1867–1919, Progressivism, the Great Depression, and the New Deal: 1901–1941, The United States in World War II: 1941–1945, The United States in the Cold War: 1945–1989, The Middle Road: American Politics: 1945–2000 and The Changing Face of American Society: 1945–2000.