The Vegetarian Family Cookbook
The only vegetarian cookbook designed to satisfy every member of the family. It can be challenging to create nutritious family meals that appeal to everyone at the table, including the picky eaters. But Nava Atlas has solved the dilemma with a collection of down-to-earth recipes reflecting the way families really eat. Flexible, adaptable, and filled with ways to make wholesome food more attractive to children, The Vegetarian Family Cookbook tackles breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack time like no other vegetarian cookbook on the market. Covering everything from family-friendly salads to comforting casseroles, Atlas shows how simple it can be to make enticing meat-free meals, with selections such as Quick Black Bean and Sweet Potato Chili, Vegetable Upside Down Casserole, and Alphabet Soup, sensational sandwich fare for home or school, as well as energy-packed choices to start the day. She also takes the mystery out of cooking with soy and provides dozens of delicious whole-grain, low-sugar desserts. Most of the recipes include vegan substitutions for eggs or dairy products. Whether you are a committed vegetarian or are simply cutting back or eliminating meat for economic, ethical, or health reasons, The Vegetarian Family Cookbook makes this an appealing, stress-free decision.