If you can't draw it, you don't know it:" that was the rule of the late neuroanatomist William DeMyer, MD. Yet books do not encourage us to draw and redraw neuroanatomy. This book teaches neuroanatomy through step-by-step instruction of how to draw neuroanatomical pathways and structures. Its instructive language is highly engaging. Users draw neuroanatomical structures and pathways in several steps so they are remembered and use mental and physical mnemonics to demonstrate difficult anatomical rotations and directional pathways. Many neuroanatomy textbooks are great references, but fail to provide a working knowledge of neuroanatomy, and many neuroanatomy handbooks provide bedside pearls, but are too concise to be fully satisfactory. This instructional workbook teaches a comprehensive, but practical approach to neuroanatomy; it includes references where necessary but steers users toward key clinical features.