Black Cat Weekly #75
Our 75th issue has a pair of original tales for your reading pleasure, one mystery (“Troubled Water,” by donalee Moulton, thanks to acquiring editor Michael Bracken) and “The Forbidden Scroll,” by Phyllis Ann Karr (a solo adventure by Frostflower from Karr’s Frostflower & Thorn series—we had a solo Thorn adventure last issue.] Barb Goffman has selected a cat-themed mystery by Karen Cantwell, plus we have classic mysteries by Hal Meredeth (Sexton Blake) and Norbert Davis (a hardboiled novel). On the science fiction side, we have a great set of tales by George O. Smith, Ray Bradbury, Noel Loomis, and William Tenn…all favorites of mine. Here’s this issue’s lineup: Mysteries / Suspense / Adventure: “Troubled Water,” by donalee Moulton [Michael Bracken Presents short story] “A Death in the Department,” by Hal Charles [Solve-It-Yourself Mystery] “The Wizard of Paws,” by Karen Cantwell [Barb Goffman Presents short story] “A Confidential Report,” by Hal Meredith [Sexton Blake short story] Oh, Murderer Mine, by Norbert Davis [novel] Science Fiction & Fantasy: “The Forbidden Scroll,” by Phyllis Ann Karr [Frostflower short story] “The Cosmic Jackpot,” by George O. Smith [short story] “The Square Pegs,” by Ray Bradbury [short story] “Softie,” by Noel Loomis [short story] “Consulate,” by William Tenn [novelet]