The Quotable Newman, Vol. II
This volume supplements "The Quotable Newman" (Sophia Institute Press, 2012), with 136 new topics and an overlap of 39 topics. Volume II is a bit more wide-ranging and perhaps also more "fun" (in a sense) for Newman devotees. Examples of the latter aspect might include Cardinal Newman's reflections upon his own writing and books, science and Christianity, heaven and hell, and old age. The citations also tend to be relatively shorter, and to include proportionately more material from his correspondence. I found two additional volumes of "Letters and Diaries" (volumes 27 and 28): covering the years of 1874-1878. They contain a lot of excellent observations and "gems" on a variety of topics, that I was delighted to find and now to pass along, for the education and edification of the reader. Once again, theology is the overwhelming emphasis. Anyone interested in Cardinal Newman's Catholic (or Anglican) doctrinal thinking and beliefs will, I trust, enjoy and learn from what I have compiled.