Zondervan Bible Study Library
PACKED WITH RESOURCES YOU’LL FIND NOWHERE ELSE. Only the Zondervan Bible Study Library is built on today’s most used, most trusted Bible translation, the New International Version (NIV). This is the only software that is a completely NIV-based reference system. It gives you the exact relationship of the NIV word to the Greek or Hebrew, allowing you to conduct thorough original language studies. But don’t think its powerful advantages are only available to NIV users. You’ll find a broad selection of Bible translations and classic study resources—all in an intuitive format that’s designed to make you feel instantly at home, so you can spend your time studying God’s Word, not the owner’s manual.FROM SMALL GROUPS TO CHURCH ADMINISTRATION—LEAD BY THE WORD Whether you’re teaching children’s church, leading adult Bible studies, or overseeing a small group ministry at your church, much rests on your shoulders as a leader. So if you want to help others grow in the faith, it’s essential for you to maintain your own spiritual vitality through a conscientious study of God’s Word—not just reading it, but really digging into it so you can understand it, teach it, and live it. The Zondervan Bible Study Library Leader’s Edition is for you. With remarkable ease and flexibility, this assortment of powerful resources allows you to: § Conduct life-changing group Bible studies with printable handouts and leader’s notes. § Study the character profiles and life lessons of hundreds of men and women of the Bible. § Search out answers to challenging questions in four different dictionaries and encyclopedias. § Cross-reference English translations with Greek and Hebrew/Aramaic texts. § Study multiple resources simultaneously, including Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and more! § Easily find all available materials for any word, verse, or topic—it’s just a click away. § Print any verse, chapter, topic, image, or search result.NIV-BASED. MULTI-TRANSLATIONAL. INTUITIVE. Study multiple resources simultaneously, including the complete NIV, seven other translations, numerous commentaries, Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, original languages, and much more.TRANSPARENT Conduct complex searches without understanding computer-ese. Designed similar to many sophisticated web search engines you’re familiar with so you can focus on the content, not learning computer language.POWERFUL More powerful than a print interlinear! The translation view provides everything you need to understand the relationship between the English word in the NIV and the original biblical language.USER-DRIVEN Write as many personal notes as you need and link them to verses or topics.INTUITIVE Never lose a window! Tabbed and tiled window panes keep all your resources in view.FLEXIBLE Many features are easy to use because they’re designed like programs you frequently use.Decide how you want to view your search results: § Concordance view § Book-chapter-verse or a topic § In context of full verse or topic § In context of entire bookContent You’ll Really Use. Value You’ll Truly Appreciate.BIBLE TRANSLATIONS The Holy Bible, New International Version The Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version King James Version with Apocrypha New American Standard Bible Updated The Amplified Bible New Revised Standard Version American Standard Version Darby BibleSPECIALTY BIBLES NIV Study Bible The New Student Bible, New International Version KJV/Amplified Parallel Bible* NIV/KJV Parallel Bible NASB/NIV Parallel Bible Comparative Study BibleSTUDY RESOURCES Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance Second Edition NIV Unabridged Concordance* NIrV Unabridged Concordance KJV Unabridged Concordance NASB Updated Unabridged Concordance Amplified Unabridged Concordance Zondervan NIV Nave’s Topical Bible Zondervan Study Bible Cross Reference System Zondervan Study Bible Maps, Charts, Full-Color Photographs ASV Unabridged Concordance Darby Bible Unabridged Concordance NRSV Unabridged Concordance The Exhaustive Concordance to the Greek New Testament The Greek-English Concordance to the New Testament The Hebrew-English Concordance to the Old Testament All the Men of the Bible All the Women of the Bible Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies: Joy, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Kindness, Love, Patience, Peace, Self-Control Discipleship Bible Studies: Basic Beliefs, Building Character, Effective Prayer, Knowing Scripture, New Life in Christ, Sharing Your Faith, Spiritual Disciplines, Spiritual Warfare DEVOTIONALS Streams in the Desert Inspirational ReadingsDICTIONARIES & ENCYCLOPEDIAS The NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible New International Bible Dictionary New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words New International Encyclopedia of Bible DifficultiesBIBLICAL LANGUAGES Hebrew Old Testament BHS Hebrew text behind the NIV Greek New Testament UBS4 Greek text behind the NIV The Greek New Testament UBS4 with NRSV & NIVCOMMENTARIES Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary (2 volumes) Matthew Henry’s Commentary (6 volumes) New International Bible Commentary Asbury Bible CommentaryBIBLE INTRODUCTION & CREEDS Zondervan Quick Reference Series: The Life of Christ, Christian Theology, How We Got the Bible, The Books of the Bible, Early Church History Understanding the Bible, Revised* All parallel Bibles and unabridged concordances result from the linking and search capabilities of this software. The ones shown are representative of the many options available to you as you customize your studies.For the latest information and program updates regularly visit www.zondervan.com/interactive.System Requirements: Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP or Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 6) 32 MB Ram 52 MB of hard disk space minimum (244 MB for a full installation of all books) CD-ROM Drive VGA or higher resolution monitor Windows compatible pointer device Windows compatible printer