This book gives the answers to why people have to put forward the concepts and ideas of practice, rationality, labor, subject, object, subjectivity, objectivity, word, being, moments, pure idea, notion, conception, phenomenon, form, essence, matter, content, quality, quantity, measure, time, space, relative, absolute, the most basic and primary starting point of time scaling, contradiction, antimony, unity of opposites, natural dialectics, social dialectics, objective dialectics, subjective dialectics, philosophy, science, religion, laws, morality, politics, sovereignty etc. from the aspects of dialectics. This book also talks about the usage of loan of the concepts of time in languages and the defects of some outstanding scholars in their theories of time, such as Martin Heidegger, Albert Einstein, G. W. F. Hegel, Isaac Newton, Immanuel Kant, Stephen Hawking, etc.