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Demystifying Academic Writing
Demystifying Academic Writing
Informative, insightful, and accessible, this book is designed to enhance the capacity of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as early career scholars, to write for academic purposes. Fang describes key genres of academic writing, common rhetorical moves associated with each genre, essential skills needed to write the genres, and linguistic resources and strategies that are functional and effective for performing these moves and skills. Fang’s functional linguistic approach to academic writing enables readers to do so much more than write grammatically well-formed sentences. It leverages writing as a process of designing meaning to position language choices as the central focus, illuminating how language is a creative resource for presenting information, developing argument, embedding perspectives, engaging audience, and structuring text across genres and disciplines. Covering reading responses, book reviews, literature reviews, argumentative essays, empirical research articles, grant proposals, and more, this text is an all-in-one resource for building a successful career in academic writing and scholarly publishing. Each chapter features crafts for effective communication, authentic writing examples, practical applications, and reflective questions. Fang complements these features with self-assessment tools for writers and tips for empowering writers. Assuming no technical knowledge, this text is ideal for both non-native and native English speakers, and suitable for courses in academic writing, rhetoric and composition, and language/literacy education.
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Demystifying Academic Reading
Demystifying Academic Reading
Foundational and accessible, this book equips pre-service and practicing teachers with the knowledge, understanding, tools, and resources they need to help students in grades 4–12 develop reading proficiencies in four core academic subjects—literature, history, science, and mathematics. Applying a disciplinary literacy approach, Fang describes the verbal and visual resources, expert strategies, inquiry skills, and habits of mind that students must learn in order to read carefully, critically, purposefully, and with an informed skepticism across genres and content areas. He also shows how teachers can promote language learning and reading/literacy development at the same time that they engage students in content area learning. With informative synthesis and research-based recommendations in every chapter, this text prepares teachers to help students develop discipline-specific, as well as discipline-relevant, discursive insights, literacy strategies, and ways of thinking, reasoning, and inquiring that are essential to productive learning across academic subjects. It also provides teacher educators with approaches and strategies for helping teacher candidates develop expertise in academic reading instruction. In so doing, the book demystifies academic reading, revealing what it takes for students to read increasingly complex academic texts with confidence and understanding and for teachers to develop expertise that promotes disciplinary literacy. This state-of-the-art text is ideal for courses on reading/literacy methods and academic literacy and eminently relevant to all educators who want their students to become thoughtful readers and powerful learners
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Language and Literacy in Inquiry-Based Science Classrooms, Grades 3-8
Language and Literacy in Inquiry-Based Science Classrooms, Grades 3-8
"Finally, a book with sound research and ready-to-use strategies to connect reading and science!" —Jenny Sue Flannagan, Director, Martinson Center for Mathematics and Science, School of Education, Regent University "This work shows how reading scientific texts differs from reading literary texts and describes the tools teachers need to teach reading in science." —Stephen P. Norris, Canada Research Chair in Scientific Literacy, University of Alberta "The authors address what few recognize—that reading is an issue in science, but ultimately no one is teaching students to read science." —Sally Koczan, Science Teacher, Wydown Middle School, Clayton, MO Boost students′ understanding of science with literacy strategies! Research has long supported the positive effects of integrating literacy practices into the science curriculum; now this helpful and timely resource offers science educators effective strategies that they can implement immediately. Teachers of students in Grades 3–8 will find innovative ideas—aligned with national science education standards—for incorporating language analysis and science literature into inquiry-based science classrooms. Included are activities as well as sample lessons to help students: Read and comprehend science texts Find related resources to explore particular interests Build their science vocabulary Write to learn science concepts This volume is valuable for teachers, leaders of professional development workshops, institutes, topical seminars in science and literacy, science and reading methods courses, and study groups.
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Literacy Teaching and Learning
Literacy Teaching and Learning
Organized into 10 thematic sections, the 30 carefully selected articles and accompanying pedagogical features enable students to gain an in-depth understanding of and practical ideas about current trends and issues in literacy teaching and learning. This text is a must-read for preservice teachers, in-service teachers, graduate students of literacy and related fields, and alternative teaching candidates seeking reading endorsement or certification."--Jacket.
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Reading in Secondary Content Areas
Reading in Secondary Content Areas
What does it mean to teach reading in the context of the middle and high school classroom? Don’t students already know how to read by the time they get to secondary school? And how can a busy teacher take time away from the packed curriculum of science, history, mathematics, or language arts to teach reading? This book presents a linguistic approach to teaching reading in different subjects; an approach that focuses on language itself. Central to this approach is a view that knowledge is constructed in and through language and that language changes with changes in knowledge. As students move from elementary to secondary schools, they encounter specialized knowledge and engage in new contexts of learning in all subjects. This means that the language of secondary school learning is quite different from the language of the elementary years. While in the elementary years the subject matter of reading materials is often close to students’ everyday life experiences, the curriculum of secondary school deals with knowledge that is removed from students’ personal lives and everyday contexts. The language that constructs this more specialized knowledge thus tends to be more abstract, technical, information-laden, and hierarchically organized than the more familiar and “friendly” language that students typically encounter during the elementary years. Students need to develop specialized literacies (literacy relevant to each content area) as well as a critical literacy they can use across subject areas to engage with, reflect on, and assess specialized and advanced knowledge. This functional language analysis approach is shown using actual secondary social studies, science, and math textbooks and using a literary text.
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Language and Literacy in Inquiry-based Science Classrooms, Grades 3-8
Offers effective strategies that can be implemented immediately for science teachers of students in Grades 3-8. Provides ideas, aligned with national science education standards, for incorporating language analysis and science literature into inquiry-based science classrooms.
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