Aspects of the Qura'n
Islam today is a vastly misunderstood religion. The unfortunate events of 9/11 and subsequent similar events have cast Islam in a very negative light resulting in a tremendous upsurge in anti Islam utterances and writings. This problem is compounded by relative lack of suitable response from the majority of Muslims of the world, including the so called Muslim scholars( Ulema) in defending Islam. "The Aspects of Quran" is one humble attempt to clear some of the misconceptions surrounding Islam and present it in its true colors. The author has chosen nine important aspects of Islam which are currently the focus of Western attention and gathered the Quranic pronouncements on them in one place hence rendering them easily accessible and understandable. These aspects are: 1.Quran 2. God 3. Muhammed (Peace be Upon him) 4.Islam's relationship with other religions, especially Judaism and Christianity 5. Knowledge 6. Social Justice 7. Women 8. Jihad 9. Terrorism. Read the book to get some authoritative answers to your questions about Islam which as a religion places great emphasis on knowledge, social justice, mercy, humility, compassion and forgiveness, sense of community and brotherhood, and above all remembrance of God at all times.