God's Glorious Creation
God's Glorious Creation: Vibrant Views is essentially an accumulation of vibrant photographs taken predominantly in the flower gardens and farmyard of the Zach family. Originally, it was never intended that these photographs would ever be published. Roy simply decided to go out one day and test out the camera on his Motorola Moto G smartphone. He was pleasantly surprised at the sharpness, quality, and brilliant color of the pictures. Eventually, he printed some of the pictures off on HP Premium Plus photo paper and was even further astounded at the print quality. When he showed some of these pictures to family, relatives, and friends, it was occasionally suggested that some of these pictures should be printed, published, or framed. The vast majority of the photographs in Vibrant Views were taken on the family farm owned by Erwin and Margaret Zach. Many of these photographs concentrate on the beauty of God's creation as witnessed in the structural design and vibrancy of flowers. One may notice that many flowers (such as clover leaves, irises, violets, tulips, and others) have very distinctive "Trinity" structures within them. Perhaps God was indicating the Triune nature of His Being""Father, Son, and Holy Spirit""in the extraordinary design of these flowers. Remember, when God originally created everything, it was "good." Clearly, God is recognizable in the beauty of His creation. Nature is full of God's blessings.