The Best Health Flavours
This is a book that discussed some very important health challenges, and their suggested solutions. This book also provides health, and well-being information closer to people all around the world. Human beings need to be responsible for their good health and wellness. Experiencing and maintaining good health, and wellness, needs both individuals, and collective efforts of nations. this is paramount to their citizens living good and happier life. Information is the difference between success and failure. Many people all around the world, faces a lot of health problems. They are really not well informed, lacks financial strength, to maintain good health, either due to non-exposure to quality education, nonchalant attitudes, culture, beliefs, and their government very harsh policies on health, which may really hamper their health, thus preventing them from living a good, and healthy life. Good health is a divine perfect gift, and maintenance of it, is our sole collective responsibilities, which must be taken very serious,and work towards achieving, and maintaining it. Maintainance of good health is cheaper, than applying curative measures, which are very expensive.Herbs and medicines are used to maintain good health and wellness all around the world.This book is written, to encourage us to have positive attitude towards maintaining good health, and wellness, so as to live a sickness, and stress free life.