East Asian Visions
Despite the diversity in income levels, languages, culture, resource endowments, and political systems, the countries of East Asia are more integrated now than they have ever been. Goods, money, and ideas are being traded across the region. East Asia is redefining itself from a collection of disparate nations that looked mainly to markets in the west, to a more self-reliant, innovative, and networked region. Countries in this region are strengthening ties with each other and seeking more strategic partnerships with the rest of the world. 'East Asian Visions' is a collection of essays that convey, firsthand, how some of the most influential thinkers in East Asia view these challenges. The writers are eminent policy makers, statesmen, and scholars. They write about how competition with the west has bred success; how crises in the region have provoked introspection; and how the rise of China is catalyzing change.