Geometrical Optics of Weakly Anisotropic Media
Until recently, there was no effective method for describing waves in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media. The method of quasi-isotropic approximation (QIA) of geometrical optics was developed to overcome this problem. The QIA approach bridges the gap between geometrical optics of isotropic media (Rytov method) and that of anisotropic media (Courant-Lax approach). thus providing a complete picture of the geometrical optics of inhomogeneous media. The book explores recent developments in QIA and describes the application of the theory to different branches of wave physics, from plasma physics. quantum physics and ionospheric radio wave propagation to acoustics, optics and astrophysics. The authors present some modifications and generalisations of QIA equations, and look at electromagnetic waves and optical and acoustic effects in weakly anisotropic media, as well as geometrical optics of 3D inhomogeneous media. The book closes with some quantum mechanical analogies. This is an up-to-the minute exposition of the latest developments in an important new area, written by authors of outstanding international reputation. A rich source of both theoretical methods and practical applications, this book covers a wide range of problems of general physical significance and will be of interest to those working in optics, acoustics, electrical engineering, radio engineering and wave propagation through plasma.