Semiconducting Metal Oxides for Gas Sensing
The second edition of this book focuses on the synthesis, design, and application of semiconducting metal oxides as gas sensing materials, including the gas sensing mechanism, and modification methods for sensing materials, while also providing a comprehensive introduction to semiconductor gas sensing devices. As an essential part of IoT (Internet of things), gas sensors have shown great significance and promising prospects. Therefore, studies on functional mesoporous metal oxides, one of the most important gas sensing materials based on their unique Knudsen diffusion behavior and tailored pore structure, have increasingly attracted attention from various disciplines. The book offers a valuable reference guide to metal oxide gas sensing materials for undergraduate and graduate students alike. It will also benefit all researchers who are involved in synthesis and gas sensing of metal oxides nanomaterials with relevant frontier theories and concepts. Engineers working on research and development of semiconductor gas sensors will also find some new ideas for sensor design.