Economic Development Through World Trade
Part I. The WTO, Multilateral and Regional Frameworks for Trade. 1 . Development and the World Trade Organization: Proposal for the Agreement on Development Facilitation and the Council for Trade and Development in the WTO, Yong-Shik Lee. 2. A Reflection on the South-South Coalition in the Last Half Century from the Perspective of International Economic Law-making, An Chen. 3. The WTO, Democracy, and Development: A View from the South Bhupinder Chimni. 4. Liberalization of Trade in Services and Trade Negotiations, Alejandro Jara and M del. Carmen Dominguez. 5. One Year Since the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Conference: Developing Countries Re-claim the Development Content of the WTO Doha Round, Faizel Ismail. 6. Trade Diplomacy and Development Clubs: The Interaction in the Americas, Diana Tussie. Part II Trade and Development: Cases of Seven Developing Countries . 7. Export Promotion and Economic Development: Korea's Experience, Jai S. Mah and Jae-hee Kang. 8. The Evolution of China's International Trade Policy: Development Through Protection and Liberalization, Jiangyu Wang. 9. Liberalizing Border Trade: Implications for Domestic Agricultural Markets in India, Rajesh Chadha, Devender Pratap, and Anjali Tandon. 10 . Legal Reforms and International Economic Development: Iran's Economic Development from a Global Perspective, Ali Z. Marossi. 11. EU Maritime Rules and Transport Sector Policy Reform in Turkey, Subidey Togan. 12. Trade Liberalization for the Second Largest Country in Europe: Going East, West, Or Can It Be Both?. Oleg Riabokon. 13. How Far Can LDCs Benefit from Duty Free and Quota Free Market Access? : The Case of Uganda, Francis Mangeni.