Government and Politics in South Asia
This comprehensive but accessible text provides students with a systematic introduction to the comparative political study of the leading nations of South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. The sixth edition is extensively revised and updated, benefiting from the fresh perspectives of several new members of the author team. New material includes a full section devoted exclusively to Nepal. Organized in parallel fashion to facilitate cross-national comparison, the sections on each nation address several topical areas of inquiry: political culture and heritage, government structure and institutions, political parties and leaders, conflict and resolution, and modernization and development. A thoroughly rewritten final chapteron South Asia in the world system discusses the India–Pakistan conflict, the rise of militant Islam, India’s emergence as a world economic power, and democratization. A statistical appendix provides a concise overview of leading demographic and economic indicators for each country. Contents 1. Introduction Part One: India 2. Political Culture and Heritage 3. Political Institutions and Governmental Processes 4. Political Parties and Political Leaders 5. Groups and Multiple Demands on the System 6. Conflict Mediation 7. Modernization and Development Part Two: Pakistan 8. Political Culture and Heritage 9. Government Structure 10. Political Parties and Leaders 11. Conflict and Mediation 12. Policy Issues 13. Modernization and Development Part Three: Bangladesh 14. Political Culture and Heritage 15. Government Institutions 16. Elections, Parties, and Interest Groups 17. Conflicts and Resolution 18. Modernization and Development: Prospects and Problems Part Four: Sri Lanka 19. Political Culture and Heritage 20. Government Structure 21. Political Parties and Interest Groups 22. Conflict Mediation: Ethnic Conflict and War 23. The Search for Prosperity 24. Modernization and Development: Prospects and Problems Part Five: Nepal 25. Political Culture and Heritage 26. Government structure 27. Political Parties and Interest Groups 28. Conflict and Mediation 29. Modernization and Development Part Six: South Asia 30. South Asia as a Region in the World System