Satan's Legacy - First Move
They don't know about each other but were raised by the same Master; Three men named Osman, Yavuz and Selim find mysterious chests left at their door on a cold November morning in 1992. When they opened the chests, next to each was a key of unknown purpose; They find a note saying that the Master has passed away and that once they solve the mystery, the keys will lead them to the Master's relic. One of them acts early and goes after the secret. And Master Arif, whom he had known as a simple pottery master until that day; He learns that in reality, his aims are as secret as his own, and that the only people he knows about are the leaders of the organization, which he describes as "Them". Another thing he learned that day was; that there are two more people with him, therefore two more keys. The Master's trust is hidden behind three doors, the location of which will be revealed only when one of them has the three keys. Now the game is set and the Master's exam has begun. In front of Osman, Yavuz and Selim; There are only two options. Either win the war for the throne; They will take over "They" or they will die one by one. They make their decisions... ''...Only the smart ones rule them. They also destroy the world..."