Chinese Story 中国故事 Volume 8/8 - Story 176-200 V2020
The Chinese Stories Series has 8 volumes. There were history stories、fables、folk stories and fairy tales. And every kind of story, along with being informative and interesting, also taught us about filial piety and moral integrity, and encouraged us to do good and improve our-selves. A kind-hearted person was always rewarded in the end; a person who was willing to help others was always well-liked by others and always reaped benefits; and a person who was willing to work hard always succeeded in the end. Naturally, bad people always came to no good end. Each story was almost certain to finish in this way. And if we really think about it, endings such as these make sense; they are not just meaningless story plots. 这套中国故事,有历史故事、有寓言故事、有民间流传的故事、也有神话故事。但不论是那一类的故事,它除了知识和趣味,都是讲忠孝节义,劝人向善向上,一个好心的人,最后定有好报;一个乐意帮助他人的人,一定会博人喜悦,有所收获;一个肯努力上进的人,终能成功。当然,坏人永远是没有好下场的,这情形几乎成为一项必然的结果。仔细想想,其中确有道理,而不是一种虚构的故事情节。 This book is one of the whole set of Chinese Culture Stories Series, 40 books, 999 articles, 18 categories- Enrich your Language by Chinese Idiom, Fables, History Readings for Intermediate Level learners. Perfect for HSK 4-6, IGCSE Chinese, IB Chinese & School extra readings. New launching BEST price at Chinese Story 中国故事 Volume 8/8 - Story 176-200 V2020 --HSK Intermediate Chinese Reading 中级汉语阅读- Chinese Culture 中华文化 Contents 序编 Preface 1 序编 Preface 2 鸣谢 Special THANKS 176 种花的道理 The truth about growing flowers 177 聪明机智的小宝 Smart and witty little boy (Little Treasure) 178 国王拉弓 King drew an especially tense bow 179 廉节才是宝 Honest and moral integrity are the treasure 180 智取苹果 Take Apple by strategy 181 一鼓作气 With a bang 027 一鼓作气 Get sth. done in one vigorous effort 182 覆水难收 Spilt water is difficult to recover 014 覆水难收 It's no use crying over spilt milk 183 五十步笑百步 The pot calling the kettle black 13 五十步笑百步 The pot calling the kettle black 184 螳臂挡车 A mantis trying to stop a chariot 106 螳臂当车 A mantis trying to stop a chariot 185 螳螂捕蝉 黄雀在后 Mantis catches cicada, Bur Oriole is behind 011 螳螂捕蝉 the mantis stalking the cicada 105 螳螂捕蝉 The mantis stalks the cicada 186 抛砖引玉 Lay a brick to attract jade 069 抛砖引玉 Lay a brick to attract jade 187 胶漆相投 Coincidence of glue and lacquer 188 知难行易 Understanding is difficult, but doing is easy 189 沧海桑田 Vicissitudes of life 190 月下老人 The Old Man Under the Moon 191 悬壶济世 Hanging up a gourd and helping the world 192 倒屣迎宾 Greeting a guest with shoes on backwards 193 知己知彼 百战百胜 Know thyself, ever-victorious 194 割席绝交 Cut the mat to break up an old friendship 195 瞎子摸象 The blind men touched the elephant 196 此处无银三百两 No three hundred taels silver here 197 周处除三害 Three Calamities 112 改过自新 Turnover a new leaf 198 闻鸡起舞 Be up with the cock's crow 199枕戈待旦 Sleep with my spear ready 200 知足常乐 Contentment brings lasting happiness