Rapid Java Application Development Using Sun ONE Studio 4
In this most recent iteration of "Rapid Java," Y. Daniel Liang shows both professionals and students how to use Sun ONE Studio 4 to develop and manage advanced Java programs. The text covers Java Beans, model-view control, advanced Swing components, JDBC, servlets, JSP and RMI. This book will allow the reader to master the powerful Sun ONE Studio 4 IDE and use it to develop advanced W v projects effectively, efficiently, and with a minimum of coding. As with earlier editions, the approach is incremental in style. Early chapters introduce JavaBeans, the building blocks of rapid Java development, while later chapters focus, sequentially, on rapid application development techniques designed to create comprehensive, robust, and useful graphics applications, RMI and Java servlets. Beneficial Features: Hands-on examples provides step-by-step instruction in building a project using w m ONE Studio's Form, Beans Pattern wizard and a variety of other wizards. Comprehensive coverage of advanced Java programming on Java Beans, Bean event models, developing customized components, Swing components, creating custom layout managers, Bean persistence, bound properties and constraint properties, Bean introspection and customization, Java database programming and distributed programming using remote method invocation and Java servlets. UML graphical notations illustrate real-world standard notations used for Manning and developing object-oriented programs. Excellent pedagogy includes "Notes" expanding the reader's informational base on the topic matter, "Tips" to develop good programming style and practice, and "Cautions" to help avoid programming errors. CD-ROM with each book contains Sun ONE Studio 4 and Forte IDE source code, solutions to even-numbered programming exercises, and a wealth of related software. A website to supplement the text will be provided by the author.