Plans of Works about West Point
Commonplace book with drawings of fortifications at West Point, Verplank's Point, and Stony Point, New York during the Revolutionary War. West Point fortification drawings include "Plan of Rocky Hill on Redoubt No. 4", "Plan of Wyllis's Redoubt", "Plan of Weeb's Redoubt", "Plan of No. 1", and "Plan of No. 2." The book also includes pages of various remedies, recipes, formulas, and tables such as "To recover fetid Meat & Butter," "Table of the Sun's Parallax in Altitude," and "Glue for writing Sheets of Paper or Parchments." These can be found written vertically on the paginated leaves at the end of the volume. The second leaf from the end of the volume is headed "Miscellaneous Escripts, etc." and contains a listing of the contents with page numbers. More recipes and formulas are written on an additional 5 leaves that lack pagination.