Wake up to Praise
In January 2016, Sister Wilma had just completed the Daniel Fast. It was put in her thoughts to start a Prayer Call for people who couldn’t get out to Church during the week. This call would be every Monday at 8:00 am CST. In March 2016 Elder Shirley Rice joined our Prayer Group. She Blessed us with the name Wake Up To Praise and went to Crown Point Indiana to legally get the rights to that name. Later we started a Bible Study Class on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm CST. Elder Shirley taught our first class, Minister Adrienne Watson taught our second class. Every week we would have a different pastor speak from different states. Among them was Lady Pat’s husband Bishop Alfonso Boone. One day Lady Pat asked Pastor Patterson if he would teach our Bible Study Class, he said yes! We Thank God that Pastor Patterson has continued to teach along with Elder Shirley, empowering us with Gods News!! We are thankful to God for Blessing us with such dedicated and anointed teachers. We appreciate and thank Lady Pamela Patterson and Brother Larry Rice for always allowing their spouses to take time out of their busy schedules to Bless us with Gods Word.