Life and Select Literary Remains of Sam Houston of Texas ...
Published soon after his death. Includes: Early history of Texas before the Battle of San Jacinto, Parentage and early life including life among the Cherokee Indians, Early military career, Studies law with time as member of Congress, Governor, marriage and reasons for leaving his first wife; Life among the Indians, Texas Struggling, Texas Triumphing, The Alamo, Goliad, Battle of San Jacinto, Capture of Santa Anna, Houston's Election to Presidency, Recognition of Texan Independence, The Succeeding Administration the Reverse of Houston's, Gen. Houston's second Presidential term, Impressions produced by appeal to Great powers-annexation, Secret message to the Texan Congress on Annexation, Close of Houston's Second term as President, Houston's entrace into the US House of Representatives 1823, Houston's four years in the house, Houston's entrance into the US Senate 1846, Houston in US Senate under President Polk, Houston in the Senate under the Whig Administration, Houston in Senate under President Pierce, Houson in Senate under President Buchanan, Career of Houston as Governor of Texas, Closing Days, Gen Houston's religious life, Anecdotes, Domestic life of Sam Houston, General estimate of Houston's character. Also includes Texan Declaration of Independence March 2, 1836-names of signers.