Rending the Vail
1. J. H. Pratt, his wife, and Mrs. Phoebe Smith, all then of Kansas, having heard of one W. W. Aber, of Kansas, as being a medium for the phenomena of spirit materializations, succeeded in securing the services of this said medium for that capacity, commencing the seances in September, 1888, at the residence of the J. H. Pratt, where the Mr. Aber thenceforth made his home, holding seances there almost daily, to June, 1890.2. The phenomena presented at these seances were what are called "bust shadowy forms" shown at the cabinet window.3. To these seances the public were invited, and many attended; but, for want of more information as to the nature of the phenomena, but few pursued their investigations to a definite conclusion.4. A few persons, however, saw, from close and careful attention, that the medium did not, in any fraudulent manner, have anything to do with the production of the phenomena, neither as principal nor by mortal confederate.5. Some of the "bust shadowy forms" shown at the window were enabled to write, and talk in a whisper, and could both talk and write in "tongues" much beyond the knowledge of the medium and of any person in the circle.6. These forms began to talk and write, to furnish, through full-form visible materializations, matter for a book, and urged that a circle be organized for the purpose of giving the spirit world an opportunity of conditions to that end.