Theophrastean Studies
Theophrastus of Eresus was Aristotle's successor as head of the Peripatetic School. He is best known for a humorous collection of character sketches, but his importance in antiquity and for the history of thought in general is much greater. He was the founder of systematic botany, and his work on logic went well beyond that of Aristotle, as did his interest in rhetoric and poetics. He was the first to collect the laws of different city-states, and in ethics he emphasized manners as well as moral virtue. In recent years, his importance has been more fully appreciated through the efforts of Professor William Fortenbaugh, who founded Project Theophrastus, an international undertaking whose goal has been to collect, edit and comment on the fragments of Theophrastus. While leading this project, Professor Fortenbaugh has been writing on Theophrastus, highlighting his achievements and making connections between areas like logic and rhetoric, psychology and religion, ethics and politics. The present volume brings together for the first time twenty-two of his essays.