Dorsaneo and Chandler's Texas Claims & Defenses 2023 Edition
This publication is a companion to and is derived from Dorsaneo, Texas Litigation Guide (Matthew Bender). It examines the major civil causes of action that may be brought in Texas courts of general jurisdiction, as well as the defenses to those claims. The first part of the publication deals with certain general or repetitive aspects of Texas civil actions, such as: (1) the plaintiff’s petition, including the formal elements of claims, and the basis and requirements for a claim to attorney’s fees, exemplary damages, and injunctive relief; and (2) the defendant’s answer, including standard pleas and defenses, proportionate responsibility, and contribution and indemnity. Sample forms for the plaintiff’s petition and the defendant’s answer are provided. The succeeding parts of the publication then briefly identify or summarize the claims and defenses that are most commonly encountered and discussed in Texas civil actions in the following areas of the law: (1) business entity and employment litigation; (2) commercial litigation; (3) real estate litigation; and (4) personal injury litigation.