Gleanings of Virginia History
This important work on early Virginia history and genealogy is composed chiefly of records pertaining to the French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War, though other records of value are included. Part I contains a 90-page list of officers, soldiers, and civilians entitled to compensation for services rendered during the French and Indian War, as well as poll lists for Prince William County (1741) and Fairfax County (1744). Part II contains records of the Revolutionary War, including muster and payrolls in the personal possession of the compiler. Part III is devoted principally to genealogies of the families of Anderson, Brown, Craig, Cravens, Custis, Davis, Harrison, Newman, Smith, Thomas, and Thompkins. Considerable space is also given to the marriage records of Orange and Albemarle counties. An extensive 45-page index of names neatly coordinates reading and research.