Sermons to the Natural Man
"Dr. Shedd's 'Sermons to the Natural Man' are, if not absolutely the best, yet of the very best doctrinal and spiritual sermons produced in this generation. We have known much of their power in convincing sinners, and in deepening, and widening, and exalting the experiences of true Christians. Doctrinal preaching, though not in fashion, is the preaching that we need, and the preaching which always best vindicates itself when put to the test of practice." -Archibald Alexander Hodge "It is sometimes said that the surest way to produce conviction of sin is to preach the Cross. There is a sense in which this is true, and there is a sense in which it is false. If the Cross is set forth as the cursed tree on which the Lord of Glory hung and suffered, to satisfy the demands of Eternal Justice, then indeed there is fitness in the preaching to produce the sense of guilt. But this is to preach the law, in its fullest extent, and the most tremendous energy of its claims. Such discourse as this must necessarily analyze law, define it, enforce it, and apply it in the most cogent manner. For, only as the atonement of Christ is shown to completely meet and satisfy all these legal demands which have been so thoroughly discussed and exhibited, is the real virtue and power of the Cross made manifest.' "But if the Cross is merely held up as a decorative ornament, like that on the breast of Belinda, 'which Jews might kiss and infidels adore;' if it be proclaimed as the beautiful symbol of the Divine indifference and indulgence, and there be a studious avoiding of all judicial aspects and relations; if the natural man is not searched by law and alarmed by justice, but is only soothed and narcotized by the idea of an Epicurean deity destitute of moral anger and inflicting no righteous retribution,--then, there will be no conviction of sin. Whenever the preaching of the law is positively objected to, and the preaching of the gospel is proposed in its place, it will be found that the "gospel" means that good-nature and that easy virtue which some mortals dare to attribute to the Holy and Immaculate Godhead! He who really, and in good faith, preaches the Cross, never opposes the preaching of the law." -William G. T. Shedd "Sin is the suicidal action of the human will. To do wrong destroys the power to do right. This is illustrated in the effect of a vicious habit in diminishing a man's ability to resist temptation. But habit is the continual repetition of wrong self-decisions, every one of which reacts upon the will as a faculty, and renders it less strong and energetic to good. No man can do a wrong act, and be as sound in his will, and as spiritually strong, after it as he was before it." -William G. T. Shedd CONTENTS. I. THE FUTURE STATE A SELF-CONSCIOUS STATE II. THE FUTURE STATE A SELF-CONSCIOUS STATE (continued) III. GOD'S EXHAUSTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF MAN IV. GOD'S EXHAUSTIVE KNOWLEDGE OF MAN (continued) V. ALL MANKIND GUILTY; OR, EVERY MAN KNOWS MORE THAN HE PRACTISES VI. SIN IN THE HEART THE SOURCE OF ERROR IN THE HEAD VII. THE NECESSITY OF DIVINE INFLUENCES VIII. THE NECESSITY OF DIVINE INFLUENCES (continued) IX. THE IMPOTENCE OF THE LAW X. SELF-SCRUTINY IN GOD'S PRESENCE XI. SIN IS SPIRITUAL SLAVERY XII. THE ORIGINAL AND THE ACTUAL RELATION OF MAN TO LAW XIII. THE SIN OF OMISSION XIV. THE SINFULNESS OF ORIGINAL SIN XV. THE APPROBATION OF GOODNESS IS NOT THE LOVE OF IT XVI. THE USE OF FEAR IN RELIGION XVII. THE PRESENT LIFE AS BELATED TO THE FUTURE XVIII. THE EXERCISE OF MERCY OPTIONAL WITH GOD XIX. CHRISTIANITY REQUIRES THE TEMPER OF CHILDHOOD XX. FAITH THE SOLE SAVING ACT