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EMT Basic Pearls of Wisdom
EMT Basic Pearls of Wisdom
The primary intent of this book is to serve as a study aid to improve performance on EMT-Basic certification and refresher examinations. With this goal in mind, the text is written in rapid-fire, question/answer format. The student receives immediate gratification with a correct answer. Misleading or confusing multiple-choice 'foils' are not provided, thereby eliminating the risk of assimilating erroneous information which made an impression. Another advantage of this format is that the student either knows or does not know the answer to a given question. This results in active learning, rather than the passive learning of studying multiple choice questions.
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ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition
ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Third Edition
MAXIMIZE YOUR ACLS SCORE! A Doody's Core Title! 3 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW "This book's most impressive aspect is that it presents the core topics in a direct and concise manner, that makes it a quick read and easy to understand."--Doody's Review Service Pearls of Wisdom ACLS Review, 3e is your most effective weapon in preparing for the American Heart Association's Advanced Cardiac Life Support exam. This rapid, effective review ensures your best possible performance on the exam in the shortest possible study time. There is no easier or faster way to ensure that you perform your best! FEATURES 1200+ rapid-fire questions cover all topics on the ACLS exam Powered with performance-improving pearls and other potent learning aids Updated to reflect the 2005 AMA guidelines NEW chapter on child and infant CPR and ventilation
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Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Review
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Review
Presents a question and answer review. This book uses a format that eliminates guesswork associated with multiple-choice Q & A reviews and reinforces correct answers. Emphasis is placed on distilling key facts and clinical pearls necessary for exam success. It is a compliment to larger texts for streamlined review before the exam.
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Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review
Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review
Emphasis is placed on distilling key facts and clinical pearls essential for exam success. This high-yield review for the oral boards is the perfect compliment to larger texts for intense, streamlined review in the days and weeks before your exam
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LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) Exam Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Second Edition
LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) Exam Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Second Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the NCLEX-PN exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates the guesswork associated with traditional multiple-choice Q&A reviews and reinforces only the correct answers you'll need to know on exam day. Emphasis is placed on distilling key facts and clinical pearls essential for exam success. This high-yield review for the NCLEX-PN exam is the perfect compliment to larger texts for intense, streamlined review in the days and weeks before your exam.
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Emergency Medicine
Emergency Medicine
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Emergency Nursing Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Second Edition
Emergency Nursing Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Second Edition
This high yield review is perfect for intense, streamlined review in the days and weeks before your exam. The unique single answer format eliminates the guesswork associated with traditional multiiple choice Q&A reviews.
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Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Sixth Edition
Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom, Sixth Edition
The best last-minute review for the emergency medicine certification exam Designed to reinforce essential information in minimal time, Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review: Pearls of Wisdom helps readers prepare for the exam with quick-hit questions and answers and a convenient outline format. Covering only the subject matter most likely to be seen on the test, this quick-review guide breaks down each topic by disease or disorder, providing concise information about the patient's evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. This comprehensive test review contains the most current information, so readers won't be taken by surprise on exam day. To facilitate the quickest preparation possible, the table of contents is arranged alphabetically, and the outline section is followed by 800 rapid-fire review questions. Only the correct answers are provided, so readers won't accidentally memorize inaccurate information. The final section includes test cases that can reviewed alone or with a partner. Emergency Medicine Oral Board Review is the perfect complement to other course books. 50 test cases with Q&As Performance-improving pearls and other potent learning aids
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Emergency Medicine Orals Review
Emergency Medicine Orals Review
The primary intent of this book is to serve as a study aid to improve performance on the EM Oral Board Exam. To achieve this goal the text is written in three formats: a topic review, a rapid-fire question/answer format, and actual practice cases. Emphasis has been placed on distilling true trivia and key facts that are easily overlooked, are quickly forgotten, and that somehow seem to be needed on board exams. The first third of the text is presented in a straightforward format with more basic facts. The second section consists of random pathophysiology, procedure, and treatment pearls. The questions are grouped into small clusters by topic presented in no particular order. The random Pearls section repeats much of the factual information contained in the Pearls Topics and builds on this foundation with greater emphasis on linking information and filling in gaps from the Pearls Topics. The final section of the text, Oral Boards Cases, is the most important, as it contains actual practice cases that should be used with your study partner to gain confidence and experience in attacking boards cases.
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