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The End of Worry
The End of Worry
Easy to understand and practical, a psychiatrist and an Anglican vicar show us how to diffuse worry by offering practical solutions and long-term hope. Do you find yourself worrying and unable to stop? Does worry consume your days and keep you up at night? Do you know that worry doesn’t help, but you keep worrying anyway? If you are holding this book, it’s likely that you or someone you know has a problem with worry. Within these pages, you will find an understanding of what worry is, why we worry, and how to worry less. This easy-to-read mix of cutting-edge psychology, biblical teaching, personal experience, plentiful anecdotes, and practical exercises will help anxious readers overcome the troubling problem of worry and find new joy in every day.
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The Power of Belonging
The Power of Belonging
Do you struggle with feeling like an impostor in your own leadership? Do you carry a secret anxiety about being revealed as a fraud? We all long to belong, especially those in positions of leadership. But deeply rooted shame can keep leaders from connecting authentically and vulnerably. Reverend Will van der Hart and Dr. Rob Waller—an experienced church leader and respected psychiatrist—integrate the story of Scripture with the science behind mental health, offering real steps for transformation. When leaders know that they belong to God—when they develop a deep sense of security in Him—they can overcome constricting shame and lead with confidence. Offering a psychological and biblical response to one of the most persistent problems in leadership, The Power of Belonging is a unique resource to help you build success from your sense of security, allowing your unique leadership gifts to flourish and grow. Each chapter includes study guide questions for group or individual use.
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The End of Worry
The End of Worry
.".. originally published in Great Britain in 2011 by Inter-Varsity Press as The worry book"--T.p. verso.
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The Perfectionism Book
The Perfectionism Book
Our 24/7 world of endless information and demands poses a serious challenge to all who struggle with perfectionism. It's all too easy to become trapped in an endless pursuit of achievement at the expense of the life you had always dreamed of living. This book is about a change in perspective - seeing perfectionism as the problem, rather than the goals or standards themselves. Far from being a little habit that keeps us striving, it is the thing that stops us celebrating anything we might achieve. We are more wedded to perfectionism than we realise. It is embedded in our culture and bound up in popular self-esteem. Even the Bible's perfect words have been used to drive perfectionism in the church. The authors offer a fresh perspective on an age-old problem - a helpful blend of accessible theology, psychology and activity to lead us to a place of genuine freedom, gratitude and fulfilment.
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The Perfectionism Book
The Perfectionism Book
Our 24/7 world of endless information and demands poses a serious challenge to all who struggle with perfectionism. It's all too easy to become trapped in an endless pursuit of achievement at the expense of the life you had always dreamed of living. This book is about a change in perspective - seeing perfectionism as the problem, rather than the goals or standards themselves. Far from being a little habit that keeps us striving, it is the thing that stops us celebrating anything we might achieve. We are more wedded to perfectionism than we realise. It is embedded in our culture and bound up in popular self-esteem. Even the Bible's perfect words have been used to drive perfectionism in the church. The authors offer a fresh perspective on an age-old problem - a helpful blend of accessible theology, psychology and activity to lead us to a place of genuine freedom, gratitude and fulfilment.
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Exzellenz, Brillanz, Genie
Exzellenz, Brillanz, Genie
In akademischen Kontexten zirkulieren heute multiple Vorstellungen von geistiger Exzellenz und Begabtenförderungswürdigkeit, von Brillanz, Innovation und Herausragendem. Sie spiegeln sich in der omnipräsenten Rede von "Elite-, Prestige- und Exzellenzuniversitäten", von "Exzellenzinitiativen, -clustern und -strategien" sowie "Spitzen- und Höhenkammforschung" und vom "Zukunftskonzept" wider. Das Streben nach Exzellenz hat die Positionierung und Wahrnehmung der bundesrepublikanischen Universitäten in Bewegung gebracht. Es ist Zeit für eine selbstkritische Reflexion und Evaluation neuerer politischer Entwicklungen im deutschen Hochschulsystem. Denn was suggeriert das exzellenzorientierte Sprechen in Superlativen, das bereits eineinhalb Dekaden andauert? Und: Auf welchen wissenschafts- und kulturhistorischen Vorläufern fußen die Exzellenzierungsrhetoriken und der Hang zur Selbstidealisierung? Im Geniekult der europäischen Moderne, wie er sich fachübergreifend um 1900 zeigte, avancierte das "Genie" zu einer heftig umstrittenen Wissensfigur. Sie übernahm vielfältige symbolische, quasi-religiöse, epistemologische und wissenschaftspolitische Funktionen. Zum Beispiel sollten mit ihrer Hilfe das religiöse Vakuum gefüllt und antifeministische und antisemitische Ideen vermittelt werden. Die multidisziplinär analysierenden Beitragenden des Bandes diskutieren das seit der Antike debattierte 'Genieproblem': zum einen entlang Fragen der Geniebiographik und "genialen Manie", der Geschichte von Begabtenpsychologie, Persönlichkeitsforschung und Züchtungsphantasien, der Forschungsuniversitäten im Verbund mit nationalökonomischen Interessen, der Geniereligiösität und Doppelgängergestalt sowie weiblicher Genialität. Erkundet wird zum anderen der diachrone Bezug zur zeitgenössischen Spannung zwischen herausragenden Einzelforscher*innen und Wissenschaftskollektiven im Rahmen von Exzellenzierungsbestrebungen.
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The Power of Belonging
The Power of Belonging
Do you struggle with feeling like an impostor in your own leadership? Do you carry a secret anxiety about being revealed as a fraud? We all long to belong, especially those in positions of leadership. But deeply rooted shame can keep leaders from connecting authentically and vulnerably. Reverend Will van der Hart and Dr. Rob Waller—an experienced church leader and respected psychiatrist—integrate the story of Scripture with the science behind mental health, offering real steps for transformation. When leaders know that they belong to God—when they develop a deep sense of security in Him—they can overcome constricting shame and lead with confidence. Offering a psychological and biblical response to one of the most persistent problems in leadership, The Power of Belonging is a unique resource to help you build success from your sense of security, allowing your unique leadership gifts to flourish and grow. Each chapter includes study guide questions for group or individual use.
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The Red Book
The Red Book
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