Shadow of the Avatar
Hecate, goddess of the moon and dark magic, wants a new body and eight-summer-old savant Liandra Kergatha has the one she covets. Torn from her mother's arms, the young girl is spirited away to another world to undergo the ritual of succorunding--the creation of an avatar. Before the procedure can be completed, the temple is attacked and Liandra escapes into the city with the bindings half completed and her name and memories of her former life wiped clean. Possessing great natural skill and many hidden powers, the young girl becomes known as Wren and perseveres on her own. A decade later Wren is one of the greatest master thieves in Corwin. Unfortunately for Wren after her ordeal as a child, lost is not forgotten. Following a bloody encounter with an avatar, Hecate's baneful attention is drawn to her once again. What started with a kidnapping becomes a conflict that escalates into a war involving powerful immortals, wizards, and otherworldly creatures as Wren seeks help and wins favor with the legendary clan of the Felspars. To survive the ordeal stretched in front of her, Wren must learn her origins, befriend amazing allies, and tap into the secret powers of her birthright. Even as she rises to the challenge, she discovers Hecate isn't the only foe gunning for her...