In this text, Carr provides a justification for reconstructing educational theory and research as a form of critical inquiry. In doing this, he confronts such philosophical questions as: what is educational theory?; what is an educational practice?; and how are theory and practice related?
First published in 1986. There is now a growing movement to extend the professionalism of teachers by providing them with greater opportunities to engage in curriculum theorizing and educational research. The purpose of this book is to offer a rationale by outlining a philosophical justification for the view that teachers have a special role as researchers and that the most plausible way to construe educational research is as a form of critical social science.
A report concerning stratigraphy, structure, and geophysics of a region within the eastern Mojave Desert and Mojave-Sonoran structural-physiographic belt, wherein tectonic activity has occurred at a very low rate since late Miocene time. Important structural activity of Tertiary age culminated and concluded in a major regional episode of detachment faulting.
In this text, Carr provides a justification for reconstructing educational theory and research as a form of critical inquiry. In doing this, he confronts such philosophical questions as: what is educational theory?; what is an educational practice?; and how are theory and practice related?
During the past decade there has been a series of radical changes to the educational system of England and Wales. This book argues that any serious study of these changes has to engage with complex questions about the role of education in a modern liberal democracy. Were these educational changes informed by the needs and aspirations of a democratic society? To what extent will they promote democratic values and ideals? These questions can only be adequately addressed by making explicit the political ideas and the underlying philosophical principles that have together shaped the English educational system. To this end, the book provides a selective history of English education which exposes the connections between decisive periods of educational change and the intellectual and political climate in which it occurred. It also connects the educational policies of the 1980s and 90s to the political ideas of the New Right in order to show how they are part of a broader political strategy aimed at reversing the democratic advances achieved through the intellectual and political struggles of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The book proposes that a democratic educational vision can only effectively be advanced by renewing the 'struggle for democracy' - the historical struggle to create forms of education which will empower all citizens to participate in an open, pluralistic and democratic society.
First published in 1986. There is now a growing movement to extend the professionalism of teachers by providing them with greater opportunities to engage in curriculum theorizing and educational research. The purpose of this book is to offer a rationale by outlining a philosophical justification for the view that teachers have a special role as researchers and that the most plausible way to construe educational research is as a form of critical social science.
Contains entries to literature published between Apr. 1983 to Sep. 1984. Includes pamphlets, brochures, books, journal articles, flyers, and some press releases. Arranged under three sections, i.e. Medical press, Mainstream press, and Gay press. General index.
Culled from more than 34 years as a member of New Zealand's parliament, this memoir illustrates the numerous changes that have taken place in the political culture and social attitudes of New Zealand and offers valuable insight into many key parliamentary personalities.