Hermeneutics, Social Criticism and Everyday Education Practice
The individual chapters written by scholars of the Department of General Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław included in the volume offered to the Readers, showcase selected variants and problems of the hermeneutical and critical approaches to educational practice and research. The general pedagogy we practice in this way reveals its interdisciplinary character, drawing on the resources and achievements of philosophy, sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, religious studies, and political sciences. By deliberately adopting such an approach, general pedagogy becomes the basic science of pedagogy; one of its major tasks is the integration and criticism of knowledge about education and the study of education and its broadly understood contexts, a knowledge which is produced not only in numerous disciplines of humanities and social sciences. This ambitious task undertaken by many theoreticians and researchers of education all over the world calls for a continuous effort to review the resources of dynamically changing and transforming scientific knowledge and to draw on contemporary and historically significant philosophy. Translating these experiences into the resources of general pedagogy requires from us the effort of understanding the languages of contemporary humanities, social sciences and multicultural societies, as well as the effort of critical thinking, which can recognize and take into account the entanglement of scientific knowledge in social ideas and practices, its conflicts, inequalities and asymmetric discourses. Hence the general pedagogy we practice, exploring the area of ideology (religion) and utopias present in everyday educational practice, implements the vision of bringing closer these two approaches (hermeneutical and critical). We believe that such a general pedagogy, engaged, practiced with passion, aware of its present social context and its past and of the urgent needs, theoretical and practical difficulties, a pedagogy that explores the possible shapes of the future, is both necessary and inspiring. It addresses new topics and offers novel approaches, revises well-established and newly proposed findings, is aware of opportunities and threats. Nevertheless, the chapters written by us are integral, self-contained wholes, just as their authors retain their intellectual and research autonomy, which can be seen in the issues we choose, the mode of their presentation and addressing.