Women and Health in the Western Pacific Region
"This report, Women and health in the Western Pacific Region: remaining challenges and new opportunities, is a further step in advancing WHO's commitment to women's health. As the report shows, women and girls have particular health needs that remain invisible and little understood and that health systems are failing them. Some of these are health needs that only women have because of their biological role. Others are those related to all of the health problems that they share with boys and men throughout their lives. The Western Pacific Region has achieved considerable improvements in women's health. However, a significant unfinished agenda remains, with millions of women in the Region facing a variety of avoidable health challenges throughout their lives. Accelerating progress requires renewed political commitment, stronger government leadership, women-friendly health policies, programmes and services and actions across sectors to address the multiple determinants of women's health. It is hoped that this report contributes to strengthening the evidence base on the health of women in the Region and provides the basis for more vigorous action."--Page iii.