The Global Gun Epidemic
Cukier (justice studies and information technology management, Ryerson U., Toronto) and Sidel (social medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine) consider gun violence and control using a public health model, and compare statistics from the US with other countries. They analyze firearm ownership, why more guns correspond to an increase in deaths, the global trade, gun running and culture, regulation and various national approaches, and movements towards gun control internationally. Includes information on Africa, Asia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, China, Columbia, Columbine High School (Colorado) shootings, deaths from firearms, domestic violence, firearm marketing and promotion, Europe, France, Germany, Great Britain, gun industry and trade, Hungerford mass shooting (Great Britain), India, Japan, National Rifle Association (NRA), New Zealand, Port Arthur (Australia) massacre, Russian Federation, school shootings, South America, suicides, Switzerland, United States, women, etc.