CSCMP Certification Collection
Complete best practices for running high-value supply chains and earning elite CSCMP certification… 8 authoritative books, in convenient e-format, at a great price! 8 authoritative books help you plan, manage, and optimize any supply chain -- and systematically prepare for CSCMP's industry-leading certification Master crucial knowledge for earning industry-leading CSCMP Level One SCPro™certification: demonstrate your skills in planning and managing world-class supply chains! This unique 8 eBook package will be an indispensable resource for supply chain professionals and students in any organization or environment. It contains 7 complete books commissioned by Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), the preeminent worldwide professional association dedicated to advancing and disseminating SCM research and knowledge. CSCMP's Definitive Guide to Integrated Supply Chain Management is your definitive reference to managing supply chains that improve customer service, reduce costs, and enhance business performance. Clearly and concisely, it introduces modern best practices for organizations of all sizes, types, and industries. Next, this package contains six eBooks fully addressing core areas of CSCMP Level One SCPro™ certification: manufacturing/service operations; warehousing; supply management/procurement; transportation; order fulfillment/customer service, and inventory management. All six offer focused coverage of essential technical and behavioral skills, addressing principles, elements, strategies, tactics, processes, business interactions/linkages, technologies, planning, management, measurement, global operations, and more. The Definitive Guide to Manufacturing and Service Operations introduces complete best practices for planning, organizing, and managing the production of products and services. Itintroduces key terminology, roles, and goals; techniques for planning and scheduling facilities, material, and labor; continuous process and quality improvement methods; sustainability; MRP II, DRP, and other technologies; and more. Next, The Definitive Guide to Warehousing helps you optimize all facets of warehousing, step by step. It explains each warehousing option, storage and handling operations, strategic planning, and the effects of warehousing decisions on total logistics costs and customer service. It covers product and materials handling, labor management, warehouse support, extended value chain processes, facility ownership, planning, strategy decisions, warehouse management systems, Auto-ID, AGVs, and more. The Definitive Guide to Supply Management and Procurement helps you drive sustainable competitive advantage via better supplier management and procurement. It covers transactional and long-term activities; category analysis, supplier selection, contract negotiation, relationship management, performance evaluation/management; sustainability; spend analysis, competitive bidding, eProcurement, eSourcing, auctions/reverse auctions, contract compliance, global sourcing, and more. The Definitive Guide to Transportation is today's most authoritative guide to world-class supply chain transportation. Its coverage includes: transportation modes, execution, and control; outsourcing, modal and carrier selection, and 3PLs; TMS technologies; ocean shipping, international air, customs, and regulation; and more. The Definitive Guide to Order Fulfillment and Customer Service covers all facets of building and operating world-class supply chain order fulfillment and customer service processes, from initial customer inquiry through post sales service and support. It introduces crucial concepts ranging from order cycles to available-to-promise, supply chain RFID to global order capture networks, guiding you in optimizing every customer contact you make. CSCMP's The Definitive Guide to Inventory Management addresses all the technical and behavioral skills needed for success in any inventory management role. It illuminates planning, organizing, controlling, directing, motivating and coordinating every activity required to efficiently control product flow. You'll find best-practice coverage for making long-term strategic decisions; mid-term tactical decisions; and short-term operational decisions. Topics discussed range from VMI and inventory reduction to new challenges in global inventory management. Finally, in Demand and Supply Integration: The Key to World-Class Demand Forecasting, Mark A. Moon helps you effectively integrate demand forecasting within a comprehensive, world-class Demand and Supply Integration (DSI) process. Moon shows how to approach demand forecasting as a management process; choose and apply the best qualitative and quantitative techniques; and create demand forecasts that are far more accurate and useful. If you're tasked with driving more value from your supply chain, this collection offers you extraordinary resources -- and unsurpassed opportunities. From world-renowned supply chain experts Brian J. Gibson, Joe B. Hanna, C. Clifford Defee, Haozhe Chen, Nada Sanders, Scott B. Keller, Brian C. Keller, Wendy L. Tate, Thomas J. Goldsby, Deepak Iyengar, Shashank Rao, Stanley E. Fawcett, Amydee M. Fawcett, Matthew A. Waller, Terry L. Esper and Mark A. Moon